Toastmasters Seville takes part of a large family of clubs all around the globe. That is why we are also interested in the actuality of clubs of other countries.
Last week, one of our most veteran members of Toastmasters Seville, Greg Daly had a chance of visiting a Toastmasters club in Brazil. Since he is a frequent flyer all over the world, this experience was not new for him. However, he was so kind to share it with all of us.

Last Tuesday, I attended a Toastmasters session in Campinas, Brasil. They were coming up to a regional speech competition, so the judges were amongst the audience. Their organisation was very similar to our own and have a unique feature of holding thumbs in the air each time the word of the day is spoken.
English levels in the club are largely intermediate/advanced with some articulate speakers in the making. I was tasked with evaluating somebody’s second speech which was the second time I have been given this honour at this club.

What makes Toastmasters truly great is the shared identity each Toastmaster has regardless of their location and background. As I have witnessed in other clubs in England, India and Singapore…..
Thanks Greg for sharing those words with us all. See you soon!!