Hello all,
In Brussels, I recently had the opportunity to visit BLACK FOREST TOASTMASTERS, a German-English bilingual club funded in 2006.


I want to thank all the Black Forest Toastmasters´ members their welcome; THANK YOU! I felt part of the group. It was great fun to participate in improvisations and a big challenge to accept the grammarian role.
For those who still do not know it, I should mention that it is possible to visit the clubs within the Toastmasters International network and participate in their meetings. It is an enriching experience and a great way to meet people from other cities or countries who share the interest in improving communication and leadership skills.
Another aspect that called my attention was the fact that their meetings are bilingual German-English. They use both languages to an equal degree. Each participant chooses the language to communicate. It is a great fun as well as a good exercise to improve the English or German practice.
I enjoyed the experience and I want to visit them again next time I go to Brussels.
Greetings to all
Angeles de la Torre
TM Sevilla

Sesión 15 enero en Fundación Madariaga

Estimados amigos/as de Toastmasters:
La sesión en inglés del miércoles 15 de enero de 2014 será extraordinaria. Hemos sido invitados por IBS SPAIN y la Fundación Valentín de Madariaga para desarrollarla en el antiguo Pabellón de EEUU. No solo es magnífico el emplazamiento, sino que tendremos la oportunidad de contar con la presencia de los alumnos del Master Marketing Intelligence for management 3.0 de IBS SPAIN. Por ello, el café al que estamos invitados a las 18:00 será una excelente oportunidad de hacer networking y de entrar en calor antes de que la presidenta de nuestro club abra la sesión a las 18:30.
Desde aquí quiero agradecer a Peter Gaztanaga su amabilidad al invitarnos. 
Estamos convencidos de que va a ser una sesión muy interesante. ¡Os esperamos!
Vicepresidente de Educación
Toastmasters Sevilla